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Ring Origami

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Ring origami uses a snap-folding mechanism triggered by the buckling instability of rods under external loads that can induce out-of-plane deformation (e.g., bending and twisting).  It is demonstrated that the snap-through instability leads to a self-guided folding behavior while showing a high packing ratio for rings with different geometries.

MATLAB code for curved-sided hexagram based on the Kirchoff rod model

Tutorial video that shows the fabrication of a curved-sided hexagram ring with four equilibrium states

The elastica with pre-stress due to natural curvature, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2024)

The axial buckling behavior is determined for an elastic beam or rod which has a uniform curvature in its natural state, is straightened by pure bending, and clamped at its ends. Buckling can be either identical to the classical two-dimensional behavior determined by Euler, or it can be three-dimensional involving twist and deflection out of the plane of natural curvature depending on the bending and torsional stiffnesses and the natural curvature. While the classical twodimensional buckling behavior of Euler’s elastica is stable under applied load, the threedimensional buckling behavior can be stable or unstable. Theoretical and experimental examples are presented illustrating the full range of possibilities.


Multistability of segmented rings by programming natural curvature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (2024)

Here, we introduce a concept of segmented rings with intrinsic multistability by programming the natural curvature of the rod segments. Guided by theoretical modeling, simulation, and experimental validation, we demonstrate that a segmented ring with a rectangular cross-section can exhibit up to six distinct planar stable states characterized by uniform bending in each segment. The segmented rings constitute what are probably the simplest elastic structural entities with multiple stable states, and they will serve to expand the application space of functional multistable structures.


Multiple equilibrium states of a curved-sided hexagram: Part I-Stability of states, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2023)

Part I investigates the stability of the multiple equilibrium states of a hexagram ring with six curved sides. Rods with circular and rectangular crosssections will be analyzed using a specialized form of Kirchhoff rod theory, and properties will be detailed such that all four of the states of interest are mutually stable. Experimental demon strations of the various states and their stability are presented.

Multiple equilibrium states of a curved-sided hexagram: Part II-Transitions between states, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2023)

s. In Part I, the classical stability criterion based on energy variation was used to study the elastic stability of the curved-sided hexagram and identify the natural curvature range for the stability of each state with circular and rectangular rod cross-sections. Here, we combine a multisegment Kirchhoff rod model, finite element simulations, and experiments to investigate the transitions between four basic equilibrium states of the curved-sided hexagram. 

On the elastic stability of folded rings in circular and straight states, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids (2023)

Single-loop elastic rings can be folded into multi-loop equilibrium configurations. In this paper, the stability of several such multi-loop states are investigated analytically

Curved Ring Origami: Bistable Elastic Folding for Magic Pattern Reconfigurations, Journal of Applied Mechanics (2023)

The initial curvature of the rings is tuned to study how this initial curvature affects the folded configurations of the rings

Easy snap-folding of hexagonal ring origami by geometric modifications, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2023)

Here, we propose strategies to facilitate easy snap-folding of the hexagonal ring by a simple point load or localized twist or squeeze

Hexagonal Ring Origami Assemblies: Foldable Functional Structures with Extreme Packing, Journal of Applied Mechanics (2022)

Motivated by this significant packing, we utilize a combination of experiments and finite element analysis to study effective folding strategies and packing abilities of various 2D and 3D hexagonal ring assemblies

Hexagonal ring origami—Snap-folding with large packing ratio, Extreme Mechanics Letters (2022)

In this work, we use finite element analysis to systematically investigate how geometric parameters, loading locations, and loading methods affect the foldability and stability of hexagonal rings

Ring Origami: Snap‐Folding of Rings with Different Geometries, Advanced Intelligent Systems (2021)

Motivated by the large area change and the self-guided deformation through snap-folding of the rings (circular, elliptical, rounded rectangular, and rounded triangular shapes), this work introduces ring origami assemblies with unprecedented packing ratios
